Fact and Fallacy of PMB's 46 Seconds Video that Went Viral:

Before we delve into the matter, let me decode the message in text,  word for word:

"About the economy, we have a very young population, our population is estimated conservatively to be 180 million. This is a very conservative one.
More than 60 percent of that population is below 30, a lot of them haven’t been to school and they are claiming that Nigeria is an oil  producing country, therefore, they should sit and do nothing, and Get housing, healthcare, education for free." - PMB

To begin with the population figures, let me highlight assumptions based on existing information about Nigeria.

The current (projected) population of Nigeria is 194,826,327 as of Thursday, April 19, 2018, based on the latest United Nations estimates.

Nigeria population is equivalent to 2.57% of the total world population.
Nigeria ranks number 7 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.

The population density in Nigeria is 215 per Km2 (557 people per mi2).
The total land area is 910,770 Km2 (351,650 sq. miles)
51.0 % of the population is urban (99,967,871 people in 2018)
The Median/Average age in Nigeria is 17.9 years.
Source: (http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/nigeria-population/)

The most frightening assumption in the above figures is the Median age,  thus an average Nigerian is an 18yr old.
Based on facts on ground in our communities, an average 18yr old is still dependant on their parents or guardians! Therefore the general assumption is that an average Nigerian is dependant and JOBLESS not 'LAZY'.

On depending on Oil proceeds;  here Mr.  President with due respect has ridiculed and mocked the sensibilities of an average young generation of Nigerians, because it is only the children of the high and mighty benefit from the so called 'oil' because they are in majority employed in the juicy oil related government agencies such as the NNPC, DPR, CBN, FIRS and so on. On the other hand 100% of those who own oil blocks, haulage and logistic services, lifting of crude, importation of Petroleum products are not young people. Then, for goodness sake how are we  young people depends on Nigeria oil largesse?

On being uneducated, expecting freebies in areas of healthcare, education and housing: Mr.  President don't add salt to our wounds because back in the 50s, 60s and early 70s you guys received all the above mentioned free and qualitative unlike what your contemporaries (including you) shoved down our necks today,  the annoying thing is you guys still cling to power after shoving your gabage down our throats by silently destroying our future through failure in governance. 

The pathetic thing is all elites in Nigeria (including PMB) send their children to best schools, better medical care and sometimes exotic mansions oversea, or in choice areas Nigeria.

Currently, in Nigeria an average young person is psychologically abused, denied and maltreated with dilapidated education in which they have no choice of field of study or career development.  We study anything course printed on our  admission letters given to only few applicants and work anywhere we can get job. Same treatment mated on us in the Health and housing sub-sector.

An average Nigerian youth is hardworking and withered the storm by engaging themselves in anything they can lay their hands on to put food on the table. Including both decent or otherwise legal or illegal ventures.

Many graduates restored to criminal activities because of non availability of decent jobs or unrealistic civil service jobs that pays peanuts compared to current cost of living. Many turned to e-beggars, fraudsters political thugs, 419ners, Prostitutes, Armed robbers, kidnappers the list goes on...

Many young people are willing but have no access to qualitative education, acess to skilled and unskilled labour, to make ends meet they turn to anything decent or indecent to survive, yet you generalized and labelled us LAZY?

Haba Baba Buhari! 

1. Poor long-term plan from the government to absorb the growing population in to the economy. 

2. Decay in societal values and morals from the community level. 

3. Over dependence on few or nonexistent white collar jobs by the youths as a result of failure to adapt to generation change, we still live in the 60s and 70s where every schooled lad expect to be absorbed into government job. 

4. Lack of incentive to entrepreneurial development except recently that it was introduced in tertiary education curriculum.

5. Above all corruption and misplacement of priorities by both the government, the people and the society.

1. Hence forth the government should take demographic data serious and prepare short medium and long term plan on youth empowerment before the time bomb explode. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) must do their statutory duty right. 

2. Parents, Community and religious leaders must engage in societal values reorientation to recalibrate the young people to be of best moral and sense of responsibility. 

3. We must return to the good old ways of being self-reliant through arts, crafts, micro-scale, small-scale businesses and trades. Government should step up in providing necessary support, enabling environment, prudence, implementation, post implementation review,  monitoring and evaluation though bottom -top approach to achieve result based empowerment.

4. Young people must stand up to our responsibilities and find something profitable doing with our strength, energy,  youthfulness, for we are responsible for our actions and inactions. 

5. Fighting corruption must be upped and offenders must be punished and dealt decisively no matter their political affiliation or highly placed they are.

Jiki Magayi!

-Mallam Abubakar Bin Aliyu


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