Shaikh Auwal Adam Albaniy Zaria Tribute to my martyred mentor

Pulished on Saturday, 15 February 2014 ===================================================================================== Rabi’uth Thaaniy 2nd, 1435 AH (February 1st, 2014) is a Saturday that filled our eyes with tears, casted a grief in our hearts and gave us a sleepless night following the demise of a Zaria-based world class Islamic scholar named, (Shaikhul-Islaam) Abu-Abdurrahman, Muhammad Auwal Adam Albaaniy Zaria. The renowned scholar was assassinated together with his son and one of his four wives, by unknown gunmen on his way back home from his permanently fixed weekend Islamic circle where he teaches Saheehul Bukhaariy. This is a big loss to Zaria and Nigeria in entirety as the late Shaikh was a teacher, peace promoter, employer to many, human rights campaigner, philanthropist and to approximate it all, a serious Islamic Reformer. On this basis, I would like to extend my sincere condolence message first to Shaikh’s family, then all students of knowledge, supporters and the entire Islamic Community. Indeed this is a loss worth grieving for, but we ought to grieve within our own Islamic principles. Malam is dead, we are sad but we shall utter not a word to displease our Creator, Allah. Unlike many who see Albaaniy as a mere scholar who teaches Islam, I consider him my mentor or motivator Islamically, politically, materially and socially to the extent that, some friends of mine would say in a jest ‘Yaron Albaaniy kenan’ meaning ‘Albaaniy’s son’. As I was growing up, many I could come in contact with within my Islamic knowledge pursuit would like to criticize the late Shaikh, the least some could say was “Albaaniy is highly controversial” but hardly will they back it up with evidence. I was too bitter about that, but I later decided to include myself in Albaaniy’s circles so that I will understand everything for myself rather than to rely on hearsays. Finally, I got fully engaged into Malam’s weekly Saheehul Bukhaariy lessons. The manner in which he teaches Islam was second to none I could ever hear for my ears. He exhibited abundant knowledge; he was fluent in reading the Arabic texts, accurate in translating, good at giving examples and knows how to make brilliant jokes to keep the class lively. Shaikh Albaaniy would encourage the youths to seek both Islamic and secular knowledge. He would advise us to start our own money making idea rather than rely on begging, political thuggery or any other dishonorable business. This made him a father, a teacher and a mentor to most of us. As the clock swept, I decided to buy and copy his previous lessons other than the Sahihul Bukhaariy. The oldest I could lay my hands on was a lesson of a book ‘Qiyaamu Ramadaan’ which was dated 1996. As a student of Boko (secular knowledge) I would listen to his audio tapes in my leisure times. During the weekdays and attend the regular Sahihul Bukhaariy lessons at weekends. This is my own study pattern with the Shaikh roughly between October 2009 and yesterday (1/02/2014) when unknown gunmen riddled his body with bullets. Allahu Akbar. (Allah Is The Greatest!). The death came as a ‘strike fault’ to my heart. He was that man you can boastfully say I entirely copy in my lifestyle. The assassination was around 10:00pm on Saturday, my heart could not accommodate the death story until the following morning when I saw the influx of people traversing the road which links Zaria Town To The Shaikh’s residence just to attend the funeral. If I had to swear standing between the corner of the Ka’bah and the spot of Ibrahim, I would swear that: apart from the Hajj pilgrimage, I have not laid my two eyes on a gathering of people other than the funeral proceedings of Shaikh Abu-Abdurrahman, Muhammad Auwal Adam Albaaniy Zaria. The amount of people present at the funeral of a musician is a repercussion of how popular his music is. So definitely, the amount of people present at the funeral of an Islamic scholar implies the number of people who have heard his call to the worship of none but Allah. Malam Albaaniy, I will rejoice with you when this close a million people bear you witness on the day of judgement that you really extended the message of our beloved and role model, ABUL-QAASIM, MUHAMMAD BN ‘ABDULLAH (Peace Be Upon Him)! Once again, congratulations in anticipation and in-advance dear Shaikhul-Islaam. The death of Shaikh Albaaniy is an enviable death. He was on his way back from teaching Islam using his own resources when he was attacked. People at the scene of his death narrated that he was continuously reciting the Kalimatush-Shahadah up to the time he died. One of those who bathed his body said his face after death was a smiling face (sign of good death in authentic Hadith narration). So, I wonder who the loser is, Albaaniy or his killers? Just before a closing remark, let me address the authorities in charge: Please should in case someone will even dare to ask for the killers of Malam, please we will not be impressed to see a thug, lawbreaker or a mobster being arrested and prosecuted before a court of justice. Nay! We will be impressed only if the masterminds are apprehended and prosecuted before a court of justice. Only then will we be sure of a working security system in our humble state of Nigeria. Finally, these are my prayers: 1. O Allah! Forgive Shaikh Albaaniy all his sins. 2. O Allah! Forgive his son Abdullah and his wife Raihanah who were also killed in cold blood together with him. 3. O Allah! Grant these three the reward for martyrdom and resurrect them amidst martyrs. 4. O Allah! Grant Sabr (Patience) to their family, friends and all those concerned. 5. O Allah! Just as it is your way o Allah, make these deaths a progress to Islam and Muslims 6. O Allah! Give us in short period, someone who will fill this vacuum left by our Shaikh. 7. O Allah! Shaikh Albaaniy has very many capital projects for the benefit of this Ummah, O Allah! Make these uncompleted projects not to die with him. 8. To the masterminds, O Allah! The mover of the clouds, the revealer of the book and the striker of the confederates, strike them, pulverize them, shake the earth under them and assist us against them. O Allah! Make them live very long and ill-starred life. Shaikh Albaaniy touched my life in many ways and by Allah’s Grace, I shall write a book on The Life of Shaikhul-Islaam, Muhammad Auwal Aadam Albaniy Zaria. I leave in the care of Allah.


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