The Politics of Local Councils Salary Crisis in Nigeria

Its been in the pubic discourse all over the country particularly my home state, Adamawa State on the predicaments of Local Councils employees.  This a sad occurrence especially at this time of change.
Based on realities on ground there are three factors that landed us in this sorry state.
1. Dwindling revenue of the country at large.
2. Inability of the political leaders to adjust to the above mentioned economic and financial crunch due the pressure and high demand and anger from the public which forced them to give more than their  income or face the wrath and anger of the public which sometimes leads to not only booing but raining insults and worst assault or arson.
3. Illegal incessant recruitment of staff at the Local councils by selfish and greedy managements which at times involve scandals of cash for appointments  and employment of minors and ghost workers which in turn over-bloated the Local Councils' payroll.
Way Forward
The above factors can be mitigated through;
1. The States and Local Councils are to look inward and block leakages to boost IGR to complement the Allocation from FAAC.  They are also to collaborate with international organizations such as WHO,  UN,  USAID, SDGs, GHAIN etc. thru matching funds and counterpart funding to undertake some capital projects to ease the decay and underdevelopment of infrastructure and give more funds to the recurrent expenditure.
2. Its also important that we reduce pressure and over-dependance on our political leaders to allow more monies to be channeled to a more productive projects and programmes.
3. We especially the youths must reduce pressure on securing government jobs and engage ourselves in self-employement ventures in Agriculture,  Skills acquisitions ,  Services,  Artisanship, Craftsmanship to create wealth and  achieve self-sustainability.
4. Let the Management of Local Councils fear God and stop the business as usual of illegally employing their minor wards, wives,  girlfriends, crones and worst creating nonexistent ghost workers.
5. Let the state government reduce pressure on the Local Councils funds and perform strong oversight functions diligently.
Let us exercise patience and perseverance to understand and cope with current economic hard times as nothing lasts forever.
Mallam Abubakar Bin Aliyu 


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