Matters arising on #BringBackOurGirls: #BringBackOurPeace: by Jameel Muhammad

I stumble upon this well crafted mind boggling masterpiece on my friends FACEBOOK wall and it is worthy of sharing.
Read on:
 "Are Chibok girls more red-blooded than
Maiduguri or Bama girls?", a friend asked me. No, they are not. My friend is surprised as well as suspicious of the global campaign, #BringBackOurGirls, being forced down the already choking throats of global diplomacy. My friend is angry that the world has chosen to turn deaf ears as well as blind eyes to the abductions of girls from Maiduguri, Bama, etc, as well as the slaughter and massacre of school children and other citizens with the attendant destructions of properties and environment of a helpless citizenry. My friend thinks that the present drive of our global diplomacy is hinged on a platform built from George Orwell's "...some animals are more equal than others". What makes Chibok girls thick? What makes them more red-blooded? Why the sudden global outrage? Is it #BringBackOurGirls or #DeployDownTheDrones, or even #BringDownOurCountry ? Was the world just waiting for a pawn it had set on stage to ignite on an innocent Nigeria? What are the likely scenarios waiting to play out? How much longer should innocent Nigeria wait in fear and anxiety while some rogue world play out its rogue diplomacy? I believe that our Chibok Daughters deserve our attention, much as other abducted girls also do deserve our humane attention. So also should our faithful and sincere attention be focused on ending this menace called Boko Haram, in whatever guise or disguise this programmed rebellion is playing out. If a global diplomacy
decides to remain stone-dead on other atrocities of Boko Haram and then tender a bleeding heart on the criminal abduction of some unfortunate girls, then it is because that is the stinking stuff such a world political leadership is made up of: barbaric and mundane sentiment, ill-will and stone-heartedness towards an innocent world citizenry. If I turn away my attention from the missing Chibok girls then I am simply placing my moral pedigree on the same level with a dis-
classed global diplomacy that has chosen criminal sentiment over natural justice. I stand against every single handwork of Boko Haram to date. Going by the vital signs on the present global diplomacy, it is not unexpected that some weird misconduct sprouts from it and directed towards choking a segment of the world citizenry. After the invasion of Iraq in August of 1991 by the then "Allied Forces", led by the United States, the "Allied Forces" masterminded the killing of over 500,000 Iraqi children. The then United States Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, accepted the action and responsibility of such a horrendous massacre of innocent children by describing it as "worth" doing. Don't blame her because she was acting on a code-of-misconduct which is doctrinal to the entire fabric of her socio-political citizenship of the globe she
misconcepted. Some sections of the global community will never do this because there is a clear distinction between morality and immorality in their own doctrinal sets of lines. Few months ago, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda openly accused France of Masterminding the Rwandan genocide
of 1994 that claimed over 800,000 Rwandan lives. If one has any doubt concerning France's involvement in the Rwandan genocide, then check France's membership of the World's
rogue diplomacy that turns away its attention when one crime is being committed and then files in its heart when another crime is committed. It is a doctrine they read, learn and use everyday to the destruction of the moral values found in moral communities of the world. I have learnt, doctrinally, that I am not the same with those pre-programmed sentiments of our
globe most especially when they drive their rogue diplomacy against an already abducted world. I hate the abduction of Chibok girls. I hate the killings, maiming and abductions of other citizens by Boko Haram. I hate the rogue global diplomacy that turns away its attention from the killings and maiming. I hate the invasion of my fatherland by foreign troops
because I don't know when they will leave and what they will do while they plant their boots on our soil.


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