The 2016 Budget And The Guardians Of Our Collective Commonwealth

28 March 2015 – Nigerians ascended a political mountain that had hitherto proved insurmountable in 55 years of independence and close to 2 decades of cumulative democratic experience. 15 million votes were enough to terminate an era dotted with unprecedented financial recklessness and unbridled corruption heralded by Goodluck Jonathan. Almost a year after that historic feat, Nigerians eagerly wait to have their first bite of the fruit of change in the form of the 2016 budget. A country’s budget is its government’s voice and statement of intent on major aspects of public finance, including but not limited to, capital projects and social welfare. The peculiarity with Nigeria’s budgetary process is its overwhelming catalysis by preeminent political forces, including elected and appointed interests. The N6.07 trillion budget presented by President Buhari presented before a joint session of the National Assembly on December 22nd 2015 was premised on a crude oil benchmark price of $38/...